The original cast of The Secret Garden featured a group of lively, enthusiastic young dancers cast as Ladybugs. Several of this original group have appeared in every production of the show and are now featured in our current cast. Here they are, seated in the garden scene in the original 2008 production.
These four former Ladybugs have matured into beautiful dancers. Yet, they still have fond memories of their days as some of the youngest cast members in the garden. They recently shared a memory that they now laugh about.
That year, the ladybugs sat on stage as the other characters danced in the garden. They reacted with horror to the Spider, giggled at the Fox, and smiled with the Butterflies. It was fun for these young dancers to be able to watch the older dancers up close and personal, even if it was from behind.
However, during the Act II run-through in the studio, they found they could not move when it was time for them to get up and dance again-- their legs had fallen asleep!! After that, it was decided that the ladybugs would shift their positions after every other divertissement.
Meet some of our original ladybugs today:
Mariel Edokwe, Rachel Ackerman, Lexi Baldachino and Jorina Kardhashi |
Rachel Ackerman- Rachel has appeared in previous productions as a Ladybug, Rabbit, Petite Rose, Rain, Rose and a Bee. This year, she dances the role of Martha as well as reprising her roles as a Rose, Rain and a Bee.
Lexi Baldachino- Lexi is thrilled to be featured this year in the role of Spider. She will also appear in Rain. She has appeared in previous productions as a Ladybug, Rosebud, Rabbit, and a Rose.
Mariel Edokwe- Mariel has performed in previous Secret Garden productions as a Ladybug, Rabbit, and Rose. This year, she is featured as Nut, one of the two squirrels in the garden. She also appears in Rain and as a Rose.
Jorina Kardashi- Jorina is our Robin, a role she coveted back in her Ladybug days! She has appeared in the past as a Ladybug, Rosebud, Rabbit, Rose, and Squirrel. You may also remember Jorina from her fabulous performance as Gerda in DanceVision's recent premiere of The Snow Queen.
Come see these beautiful dancers perform in DanceVision's The Secret Garden on April 28 and 29 at The College of New Jersey's Kendall Theater!
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